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Amy Capstick

Amy has been a joy to work with and it's been amazing to support her not only with her fitness journey but also to watch her achieve personal and sporting goals at such an impressive rate.

I had never consistently attended a gym either on my own, to do sessions with a PT or to do classes before joining FACTR and I had tried all three!

After enquiring about PT sessions, I came down to check the gym out and I jumped straight in to a group bootcamp; I was very nearly sick, spent the rest of the day on an exercise high and since then have been at the gym at least three times a week for the last four years.

Training with the coaches at FACTR is a perfect balance of support and being pushed to improve.

I never feel pressured to go further than I am comfortable with but I'm always pushed for consistent small improvements

Which over time add up to big improvements, I feel way more confident in the gym now and I am stronger and fitter than I have been in a long time.

But training at FACTR has given me so much more than just being fitter and healthier.

We constantly discuss wider goals and how what we do in the gym can help that. 

I think the coaches take the time to understand individuals and are very good at adapting how you are with each person.

Personally, I love playing tennis and I play for a local club, when I first started, one of my goals was to play in the top team at my club, which is something I was able to go on and achieve.

I was going to spend some time in Australia and wanted to feel confident meeting new people to make the most of the time there and that's exactly what happened.

I've used training sessions as a release during stressful times at work and that has helped me to progress in my career and end up in a dream job!