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Andrew Bird

Andrew is one of our standout members who really challenges himself in every session. He always strives to give his all and be the best he can be in every session with a smile on his face. His progress has unsurprisingly been amazing due to this fact. Very impressive!

I joined Factr mid November 2022. What was attractive about it was the group PT sessions and I really liked the idea of the bootcamps, early on they were my favourite sessions.

The PT sessions are great, I can walk in for my session knowing very little about it and do no pre-planning, everything is instructed by the coaches for each block, they take their time and as the session is going on they’ll help you out, correct technique and importantly, teach you.

Training with 20+ people, all different shapes, sizes and abilities is very welcoming.

Before Factr the very next day after training I’d be sore with DOMS, that’s not the case at Factr, you’re being shown how to correctly lift, squat and stretch and I know it’s because of this that my body is working hard but safely, which makes going to the gym next time around WAY more inviting.

The coaches are great, the personal relationship being built with mine is so helpful, prompts on how you’re doing and helpful advice throughout the week.

I was sceptical to be honest about how it would go down. Being asked to set goals, track food and get my arse to the gym, I thought uh oh, do I really want this?

We started with small ideas/changes and now I can’t see a better way to get healthy and stay healthy, it’s really working.

In summary what I find great about Factr is they make it simple and easy, the work you put in may not be easy but they clear the fog and you can see progress from each little change you make, at your own pace.

It’s so simple and easy, I used to find gym sessions from friends, the internet or from what I already knew and that took time and more effort than I was clearly able to sustain for more than 2/3 months, I’d also feel stupid wandering around the gym looking for free bits of kit or stood scratching my head about what to do next before defaulting to a treadmill.

Each PT session I simply walk through the door, get a nice hello from coaches and members, then the session starts with instructions from a coach, and off you go.

You’re training with people in the same boat as you so there are no egos, no stares, no “are you done with that yet”. All 6 people in that session are doing the same thing with the same instruction as you.

And you can guarantee that with each session, sometimes you’ll be the weakest and sometimes you’ll be the strongest, but wherever you fall on the scale it’s a welcoming, comfortable and positive training experience.