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Ann Speed

Ann is a vital pillar of the FACTR community, whose amazing results are unsurprising when you witness her relentless consistency inside the gym week-in week-out. It's been a pleasure to witness Ann's journey and we are so, so proud of her.

It sounds dramatic - but it's probably true to say - that training with the coaches at FACTR was a potential life saver for me. 

I had started having NHS physio for my foot and, each time I went, they would identify inreasing issues I was having which were contributing to my foot problem. 

I reached out to see if this was something they could help with. 

Well... I was completely ignoring the "elephant in the room", that at 50 years old, I was 5ft 7" tall and 115.9kg and my BMI was around 39.9. My knees and hips ached, my posture was appalling and I was on medication for high blood pressure.

On top of this, I was a life-long yo-yo dieter with a long history of disordered eating, starting and stopping 'diets' each time ended up more overweight than ever.

I compulsively bought clothes because I hated what I saw in the mirror and was masking the real issues. 

I was about as far away from your stereotypical PT client as it probably gets

The coaches are supportive and friendly whilst, at the same time, helping you to identify what you need to change and where you are putting up barriers to your own success.

The early days in the gym were incredibly tough but the coaches used their knowledge and skills to programme for me at each level of my progress, making adaptations where necessary.

They know when you need a listening ear, but also know when you need a bit of ‘tough love’.

Signing up is one of the best things I haver ever done. It's definitely been the best investment I have ever made in my own health and well being. 

Diets are all about 'loss' - losing weight, having less food, doing it until you can stop and then returning to your old habits and ending up exactly where you started. 

The FACTR approach has made the whole process about the things you gain. I now have a much healthier body and I place enormous value on my health and my well-being. 

My self- confidence and self-esteem is massively improved, I am so much happier and this impacts on every aspect of my life!

I would never have believed that 'going to the gym' and 'exercise; would be among my hobbies but this is a world that has opened up to me as a result of joining FACTR.

I am now within the healthy weight range for my height and no longer spiralling towards obesity! 

The lifestyle and habits I have learnt from working with the team have meant that I am now over 36KG lighter than when I started. 

I don't stop and start diets now - I eat well and live well because that's how I will achieve my goals. 

I don't see family meals, and treats at Christmas etc. as failures and I am able to enjoy these times as part of living a well rounded, happy and healthy lifestyle. 

Exercise has been the thing that has been my joy, my recreation and a huge part of my social life through the last 12 months. 

So, with that being said... What are you waiting for?!