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Chloe Poole

Chloe’s work ethic and attitude are always a 10/10 and despite her demanding work environment and schedule, she always has a smile on her face. Unsurprisingly her results have been amazing. Well done for everything you’ve achieved so far!!

I have always been into the gym and keeping fit and healthy, but especially through COVID it took a bit of a backseat and I lost my passion for it.

Initially, I was apprehensive about joining Factr as I know I’ve never really stuck to a plan properly, but from the first few sessions I knew that with the help of Conor and the other coaches it’s something that I could see myself sticking to. 

As someone who works a lot of hours and doesn't leave much time for socialising or doing things I enjoy, Factr has helped me find my work life balance again!

Being part of such a supportive community of people feels great!

Whether I need help in the gym or a bit of a pep talk because I feel I’m losing focus, all of the coaches are more than happy to help and support me which I will always be grateful for.

I have achieved much more than I ever would have anticipated, both physically and mentally, and couldn’t recommend Factr enough to anyone who's thinking about giving it a go!