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Ellie Chadwick

Ellie is one of the most consistent people in the gym and her results speak for themselves. Her energy is infectious, she always has a smile on her face and has been a joy to work with over the last few months. Thank you and well done!!

I joined FACTR as I was feeling very demotivated and disheartened with the whole concept of going to the ‘Gym’.

I was at the point in my life where I was convinced that I was too old and never going to achieve any of my goals.

What a difference FACTR has made to my life and well-being.

Most days, I have the awesome feeling of knowing that I have yet again, smashed my session.

I can use weights that I never thought possible and I am getting much fitter than ever before.

I feel better about myself and very motivated to get to my ultimate goal.

Thanks to all the brilliant Coaches and my Mentor.