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Gill Taylor

Gill has worked with us for a number of years and her results have been amazing! She has made health and fitness a permanent part of her lifestyle, whilst she juggles a stressful working environment, a busy social life and being a great mother.

The whole FACTR set up is amazing!

From the group PT sessions to bootcamp to the open gym area, it’s all designed to help you get the maximum out of every session.

I love training in a group because the camaraderie really motivates you and everyone is super supportive. All of the PT's are fantastic, including Rich, Olie & Conor. 

Their knowledge and expertise is shared with so much encouragement and support!

I could write an essay about how amazing you are and how much you’ve done for us! I’ll try to ‘nutshell’ it… I started training with FACTR when I was rehabbing a frozen shoulder so there were limits to what I could do.

FACTR were amazing at adapting my training to accommodate those limitations and, with their expertise and support, my range of movement and strength increased much quicker than they would have had I just done the physio exercises I’d been given.

So when I got a second frozen shoulder during lockdown I went straight back to FACTR as soon as I could! Now I’m pretty much back to full strength and mobility and there’s nowhere I’d rather train than with the team of coaches at FACTR.

FACTR has also helped my daughter to increase her strength and fitness. 

They have given her invaluable guidance about nutrition and because of FACTR her confidence has increased enormously.

We love training together; it’s a great way to catch up after a busy day and a really lovely way to spend time together as mum and daughter.

I will be eternally grateful to FACTR for everything they have done for both of us!