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Ian Golding

Ian is the first person in the gym most mornings and a cornerstone of our community. His progress in the gym has been astounding. Thank you for always bringing the energy, your sense of humour... and sometimes donuts for the team!

As someone who has had exercise feature throughout their life, by my mid forties, I believed I knew what I needed to do and how best to do it. From being a hockey player to county level in my twenties, to becoming a running and challenge (National 3 Peaks etc.) obsessive in my 30s and most of my 40s, I convinced myself that I was fit and healthy.

However…… throughout that time, I never quite achieved what I wanted AND I constantly and continuously inflicted unnecessary pain on myself through injury!

What did I want (I hear you say) – like many people, I wanted to look and feel good. Whilst I achieved many things, I still did not like what I saw in them mirror. I still felt a lack of confidence in my appearance. I thought I was fit, but kept getting calf and back injuries. Every time I got injured, it had a negative impact on the way I felt – my mental health – but I kept doing the same things – over and over again.

The other issue for me is food. I love it – lots of it! I have an insatiable appetite. I eat a largely healthy and balanced diet, but my portion sizes could feed a city the size of Chester! I had convinced myself that this was acceptable due to the exercise I was doing. I would constantly say to myself, ‘I’ll run it off’. In reality, I now know I never did. What I never understood is that I was, as many people are, in a vicious cycle. Unless I acknowledged that I needed to change the way I thought about health and wellness, I would never achieve my goal.

I can confidently say I am fitter and stronger than I have ever been in my life!

That is when I met Conor – he approached me as I was rigorously challenging the suspension of a treadmill, sweating buckets and breathing like a train. 18 months later, I still sweat buckets and breathe like a train, but I can confidently say I am fitter and stronger than I have ever been in my life.

I did not think I needed guidance – but within a short period of time, Conor allowed me to figure out for myself that I did. It is important to clarify that he never actually told me – he gently nudged me in the right direction. Conor allowed me to discover muscles in my body I never knew existed. An old hockey shoulder injury that has caused me pain for over twenty years – well that pain has now gone. I have dropped from 155kg to 95kg – I still have a way to go – but I now know I will get there.

I am connected to a group of dedicated professionals who care about me and who have helped me to realise that I can achieve my goal – and I will.

As part of the wonderful Factr Team, what is even better now is that my journey continues to be monitored, supported and celebrated by not just Conor. Rich, Ollie, Christos and Faye all make me feel that they are as invested in my health and wellness experience as Conor is.

I have also become part of what feels like a family – the FACTR Family – a group of people just like me.

They do not look like me – some are fitter and stronger – some far less sweaty – but we all want to achieve a goal – and we all support each other in doing so.

A few months ago, I told the FACTR team that has ‘changed my life’ – a very bold statement – but 100% true. In life you never know everything – we never stop learning. With the support of the Factr team, I will continue to listen to my body and learn how to become ever more fit and healthy going forward.