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Jayne Murphy

One of the happiest and friendliest members of FACTR, who always brightens up every session she attends. A big part of the community and a joy to work with!

After spending too many years wasting money on a gym membership that I never used or got any real lasting benefit from, I started training with FACTR and have rarely missed a session since.

I felt and saw immediate and lasting benefits both to my physical health and mental wellbeing!

I now do a regular mixture of strength and cardio training tailored to meet my personal health needs and have become fitter, healthier, and happier. 

Initially feeling older and less fit than other gym members, I felt a bit anxious about the group environment, but it's been great and it's one of the most enjoyable aspects. Training in small and larger groups is great fun as I have made new friends, increased my confidence and I feel part of a really great community.

I never thought I'd say this but my 6am sessions at FACTR, have become an enjoyable start to my day

Going to the gym is never a chore!

I now have made fitness a regular part of my life and achieved short term goals, such as doing my first park run and now have longer term goals in place, which FACTR gives me consistent support and guidance toward.

Thanks to the coaches at FACTR for your amazing and constant support.