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Karen Walley

Karen (AKA Supermom!) has taken her fitness to new levels since joining FACTR. Her strength has gone through the roof and she's completed multiple marathons and half-marathons, all whilst being an amazing Mum and working a busy job. Karen - you're an inspiration, well done!

I started training with Olie before I was due to run the Chester half marathon as I’d started to get aches and pains and wasn’t confident about running it injury free. 

After focusing on my strength in the small group PT sessions at FACTR, I got a PB in the Chester half and even did my first Marathon!

This was something I never thought possible.

The whole FACTR team are brilliant and their approach is spot on.

The group training and bootcamps make exercise fun and the 14 week blocks help you to really build good technique and see improvements, which is great for motivation!


I can’t imagine ever not working out in this way as it’s given me so much confidence with my running, strength and fitness.

Thanks and well done FACTR team 😊