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Katie Cole

We have been so impressed with how Katie has thrown herself into the FACTR experience! She has totally changed her approach to her training - the gym is no longer somewhere you go to suffer on a stairmaster for an hour. It's a place to get strong, become fitter than ever before and train with friends. Her physical transformation has been amazing but seeing her fall in love with fitness again has been even better!

I was nervous when I first joined.

I’d never lifted weights and whenever I’d been to the gym previously, it was 20 minutes on the stepper and then I’d go home!

From the start, the PTs at FACTR have supported and guided me.

They taught me the best techniques for exercises I hadn’t done before, pushed me to lift weights and try that little bit harder, even when i found it tough. I can’t thank FACTR enough for giving me a love of the gym I never thought I would have.

I’m definitely the fittest I’ve been, and it’s also made a huge difference to my health and well-being.