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Lauren Mericiris

Lauren’s progress has been amazing to watch and be a part of over the last few months. We’re really proud of what she’s achieved and can’t wait to see what goals she sets her sights on next.

My name is Lauren, I’m French and I was not a sporty person, just liked running some periods of the year, that’s all….

After summer I decided to reshape my body, gain muscle and loose weight.

At the start, I wasn’t sure to make the right choice… starting going to the “gym” scared me, and doing sport with other people too…and most of that I was terrified to join a gym and give it up 3 weeks after, a new occasion to disappoint myself, not succeed, as it already happened in the past…

I just wanted to do sport with good practice and support. First I thought about having a coach, but it seemed to me difficult to be motivated on a long term in just one-to-face relationship. And of course it’s too expensive. 

I discovered FACTR on Instagram and I was surprised with the concept…in a very good way. Maybe FACTR will be the right fit for me?! Let’s try and see what’s happens… 

So I started 5 months ago and honestly it was one of the best decision I made… starting at FACTR was the beginning of my new way of life!

First the welcoming has been amazing (even if my English is not a bilingual English), I felt well supported with professionals in a very kind and great atmosphere. Work in mimi groups helped me a lot to gain self confidence and I have never been judged even if some exercises were too tough for me…

The good point is that some weeks later these same exercises started to become easier… and step by step…

What a progress… I sticked to 4 sessions a week, 3 PR lessons and 1 Bootcamp.

Sincerely, I couldn’t imagine I was able to do that and ice on the cake I love that so much!

I love my sessions and I enjoy to come. I never missed a lesson just because I was not in the mood to…and I’m so happy to meet my teammates during sessions as well. 

It’s not only about “gym”, it’s about nutrition, way of life, goals… with my assigned coach we defined all that together and yes we are a great team him and me! He support me all along my journey and motivates me when I need to be pushed! 

In terms of results it’s amazing, I lost 4 kgs but it’s not only that. My body has never been so dynamic and toned. I can physically see the difference… My arms, legs and glutes have become more shaped!

I eat healthily and know how to control my social events, I sleep better, I am less stressed and at home everyone is impressed and proud of me!

Now I am able to do exercises with a lot of progress and above all I have gained confidence in myself I feel so much better that I know my journey cannot stop it is part of my daily life now! 

My goals for the next year: run a 5kms, climb the Ben Nevis and I have booked a sports holiday for this summer!

So if you are hesitant, just pop in, try it out and give yourself a chance to feel better! 100% worth it!

Merci, merci and merci again!!