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Pete Rugen

Pete is one of the most consistent members we have here at FACTR and is a vital pillar of our community. Always here, always working hard and always making others feel at home in the FACTR community.

I have been attending FACTR gym for a year now and have found it to be one of the best decisions I have ever made.

It has improved my level of fitness, energy levels and general wellbeing.

Previously I had dipped in and out of gyms and never really managed to maintain the discipline or commitment. It has been very different with my experience at FACTR.

There are several reasons why I think it is different. 

  1. The coaches take a personal interest in every aspect of your life that contributes to your fitness and wellbeing.

    They not only give you professional help and assistance but also take time to find out about you. 

  2. Secondly, to work with others creates a real sense of support.

    The fact that you can choose to work on your own or part of a small group gives you the best of both worlds. I have found friendships have developed in an environment that is gently competitive as well as extremely encouraging. This culture is modelled by the coaches and permeates all activities.

  3. FACTR has created its own sense of community.

    The team is very good at creatively providing extra activities that enable relationships to develop. Whether it is a walk in the Welsh hills, a coffee morning or a Quiz night, they all help you to feel part of something more than just a gym .

I can honestly say that I have now reached the stage where I feel that to get up early in the morning to go to the gym is no longer a battle but is in fact a disappointment if I have to miss it!