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Rebecca Jackson

THE happiest member of FACTR, for sure. A favourite of all the coaching staff for the energy she brings to sessions... and to the socials as well!! Our unofficial 'social sec' is an absolute pleasure to work with - thank you for being so great.

I often saw FACTR on route to the supermarket, yet didn't know that much about it and in all honestly thought 'another gym'.

However, during Septemer 2022 I had the opportunity to trial FACTR through two friends who were already members and said that I should try it, so I thought 'why not?' 

I trialled their bootcamp at 10am on a Saturday morning and that's where my head was turned! I'd never experienced a gym session like it.

Being in a bright airy space, with a well thought out kit space and engaging coaches, I was impressed and thought 'this is a bit of me'. So I signed up!

Nearly 6 months in, it has been instrumental to my weekly routine, to maintain my energy levels, fitness and ultimately my overall wellness.

In my opinion not only is it a training space, but a wellness space that fosters community, friendships and like-minded individuals that seek being the best version of yourself.

I am very pleased to be part of the FACTR Family!