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Tom Taylor

Great guy, terrible jokes. Tom is a legend inside the FACTR walls. Behind the banter there is a guy who shows up consistently and works hard both inside the gym and regularly out on the bike too. It's been great to see your fitness and strength improve so much in the gym and watch it translate on to the bike too!
My biggest achievements would be weight loss and a greater desire to keep going to the gym which I've never had before!

At the start I was anxious about committing to the gym and getting value for money, but this has made me attend sessions even when I haven't wanted too.

I would say one of the main differences since joining FACTR is actually committing to making the gym a part of my weekly routine and getting better at balancing priorities as I am usually somebody who doesn't stick at things for very long.

Post gym sessions I always feel like I have got a lot out of that session, which puts me in a positive mindset!

This is down to the group sessions, and the coaches pushing you every session.

Although joining somewhere new is always daunting, I very quickly felt very comfortable - the gym has a great vibe unlike your standard gyms! 

The social events are amazing for getting to know all the other members.